These contents are structured around 12 key concepts and 12 crosscutting collaborative skills: The training contents favour the development of operational skills linked to the facilitation of cooperative projects: managing information, co-producing resources, starting network dynamics, group facilitation… What can be learnt with the Cooptic training?
These principles lead to the choice of teaching methods and resources that are articulated around three ideas: the crosscutting nature of knowledge and collaborative skills to be learnt a link to the professional projects of trainees and the use of the possibilities offered by digital tools to innovate in teaching practices. Trainees are the main focus of the teaching tool. The Cooptic learning tool is based on educational principles that aim to accompany trainees along the path to autonomy and building their capacity to carry out informed actions. These partners brought together the skills of several institutions, universities, researchers, and local actors and groups engaging in participatory development who actively participated in drafting the e-book you have in your hands. Walloon association for environmental education in charge of transfer in Wallonia. This Animacoop tool was a part of the European Cooptic project.Ĭatalan association: Cooperation school in charge of transfer in Catalonia. In 2010, Outils-Réseaux created the Animacoop training tool for facilitators and professionals working in the fields of cooperation and network facilitation. Its main mission is to start and accompany cooperative networks and practices using methodological tools and the Internet. The ‘reference’ association in France for networking.

It also oversaw the creation and coordination of the whole project.

Recognized nationally for its expertise in education sciences and its experimental teaching activities and for promoting innovative training tools, Supagro Florac shares its knowledge with its partners in this project. Supagro Florac: Agriculture and Environmental Education Institute has been providing training to facilitators of many themes and geographic networks on public agricultural education for many years, as well as providing technical support for them. The Cooptic programme linked four structures: This network developed over the course of three years: Four partners specializing in innovative teaching methods - Suprago Florac and Outils-Réseaux (Montpellier), the Cooperation School Aposta from Catalonia and the Regional Centre for Environmental Initiatives (CRIE Mouscron) from Wallonia – joined forces to work on adapting a training tool for collaborative project facilitators.ĭuring the Cooptic project, fifteen people from three countries (Belgium, France and Spain) received training to become trainers of cooperative project and network facilitators, in their respective circles.Ĭooptic today has 60 network facilitators forming a real pool in three European countries. Cooptic is an initiative for innovation transfer funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci project.